On gender, class, and violence:
Leonard, Samantha. 2019. “What is the Work? And With Whom Are We Working?: Relational Practices within the Intimate Partner Violence Field.” Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work 34(4):535-551.
Leonard, Samantha, Mikal Eckstrom, Karen V. Hansen, and Gwen Westerman. 2020. “Immigrant Land Taking and Indian Land Dispossession.” Norwegian-American Essays 2020: Migration, minorities, and freedom of religion, Volume 16, ed. Terje Mikael Hasle Joranger and Harry T. Cleven (Olso, Norway: Novus Press, 2020), 21-73.
Nooy-Strand, Michael and Samantha Leonard. Forthcoming. “Performativity: Model and Meaning in a Post-Austinian Frame".” European Journal of Social Theory.
On social movements and social change:
Leonard, Samantha. March 8, 2021. “Argentina, the legalization of abortion, and the pañuelización of violence.” The Society Pages. Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Read here
On ethnographic and qualitative research methods:
Leonard, Samantha and Ann Ward. 2022. “Tales from the (Disrupted) Field: Contemplating Ethnographic Fieldwork in the Midst of Pandemic.” Ethnography.
Book Reviews:
Leonard, Samantha. 2022. “Book Review of The Politics of Surviving: How Women Navigate Domestic Violence and its Aftermath by Paige L. Sweet.” Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work.
Leonard, Samantha. 2022. “Book Review of Bodies in Evidence: Race, Gender, and Science in Sexual Assault Adjudication by Heather R. Hlavka and Sameena Mulla.” Sociology of Race & Ethnicity.